10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Teammates Ever

10. Zeus For The Million $ Team (1989)

Tiny Lister might be known to most people across the globe as Deebo in the Friday film series, but to all of us wrestling fans he€™ll forever be remembered as Zeus, the man who during an interview once branded Ed Leslie as €œBeefcake Barber€.

Tiny only lasted about eight months in WWF, from attacking The Hulkster on Saturday Night€™s Main in April event to a big grudge cage match in December 1989. Ted DiBiase recruited Zeus for his team to take on The Hulkamaniacs at Survivor Series. It seemed like a good investment as he had a big monster at his disposal.

The Human Wrecking Machine started off well by destroying the opposition until just three minutes into the match he decided to shove the referee out the way and got himself disqualified. That€™s right, DiBiase€™s main asset in his team was eliminated in less time than it takes to cook a microwavable ready meal.

Zeus is definitely a monster, no question about it, but as a Survivor Series partner, he was a disgrace. Luckily his WWF tenure would only last one more month but, thanks to his stupidity, The Hulkamaniacs would go on to be victorious with The Hulkster standing tall as the sole survivor.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.