10 Worst WWE United States Champions Ever

3. R-Truth (2010)

R-Truth United States Title

By far one of the most insignificant United States Title reigns in WWE history belongs to R-Truth. Ron Killings is a fine performer, and he excels when called upon to deliver comedic outbursts which add light relief to programming. Inside the ring, he's also capable of providing watchable matches. That seemed to be the only reasoning behind giving him the US belt in May 2010.

The United States Title had earlier been vacated (for reasons explained in a later entry). In order to crown a new champion, WWE booked R-Truth to face off with The Miz on Monday Night Raw. Miz had actually been a fine US Champion, but his reign with the belt was messed around with badly. Most people expected him to beat Truth and regain the title, but WWE wanted to book a surprise. R-Truth beat The Miz and became the new champion. The result did get a modest pop from the live crowd, but the entire exercise was shown up to be inconsequential just weeks later. In a Fatal-4-Way bout, The Miz beat R-Truth, John Morrison and Zack Ryder to again become WWE United States Champion. Once more, fans had to wonder why WWE had even made the change in the first place.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.