10 Worst WWE WrestleMania Endings Ever

4. WrestleMania 32

Randy Orton Triple H WrestleMania 25

Another entry, another Triple H match. The bridges are fully burnt now.

WWE were fully up against it when it came to booking WrestleMania 32. Every single champion from the previous year's show was out with an injury, as were several other top stars. Plus, the anti-Roman sentiment was the highest it had ever been, which was bad news considering he was taking on Triple H in the main event.

Everybody was waiting with bated breath to see how WWE were going to get themselves out of this one. Surely they'd pull something out of the bag to ensure that fans didn't leave unhappy, just like they had done the year before. Surely they couldn't just let Reigns win. Surely?

Well, as it turned out, they could.

Reigns and Triple H put on a pretty decent encounter, including Stephanie McMahon taking a Spear from Reigns in a rare intergender spot. However, the miracle that fans were hoping for never came and Reigns pinned Triple H to win the WWE Championship for a third time.

No run-ins. No heel turns. Nothing.

Safe to say it went over like a fart at a funeral.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.