10 Worst WWE WrestleMania Endings Ever

2. WrestleMania IX

Randy Orton Triple H WrestleMania 25

After a night of Giant Gonzalez sedating The Undertaker with chloroform and people being hit with prosthetic arms, fans were ready to see beloved hero, Bret Hart, defeat the monstrous Yokozuna for the WWF Championship.

However, that was very much not what happened.

After just nine minutes (Yokozuna got gassed and had to skip a load of spots), the giant defeated Hart to capture the belt.

As if things couldn't any worse, Bret was pushed even further down the pecking order when Hulk "Where's My Main Event Match, Brother?" Hogan came out to ringside and was granted a championship match on the spot (for some reason).

In less time than it took you to reach this point in the article, Hogan pinned the new champion and captured the WWF Championship for a fifth time.

Not only were both of these matches bad, but this was a slap in the face for fans desperate to see a changing of the guard. The more athletic "New Generation" were once again being sacrificed to the old guard and fans had had enough.

But at least it wasn't as bad as...


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.