10 Worst WWE Wrestlers Of 2019
5. EC3
Poor EC3.
He's such a funny, engaging and under-utilised guy that writing this entry brings with it an unshakeable sense of guilt tempered only by the idea that he'd make a cracking self-deprecating gag of it...
...of the sort that wouldn't make it to television.
He seems wrecked by confidence issues. You think?
"Pose in front of a mirror and endure secondhand resentment because we're sick that Dean Ambrose is leaving" informed a push shorter than his f*cking name. He never stood a chance; that first match was basic and boring, wasn't built, and fans didn't seem to know why they were meant to cheer for Derrick Bateman over one of few remaining connections they had with the product. The immediate sequel was demented because the alignments had suddenly changed. EC3 never stood a chance, and, grimly aware of that fact, he botched his way through a Main Event GIF nightmare versus Tyler Breeze before running around backstage, like a t*t, in pursuit of the 24/7 Championship. "A man visibly sick of his life" actually became his gimmick at one point.
Poor EC3.
He's meant to be loaded.