10 WrestleMania 32 Booking Steps For The Undertaker Vs Braun Strowman

9. A Hell In A Cell Break In

In what would be a reboot of a classic moment at the very first Hell In A Cell match, Braun Strowman would come out at the end of The Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar 3. He'd rip the door off the cell, enter, and destroy The Undertaker. A stunned Lesnar would then take the pinfall. This would be reminiscent of what Kane did when debuting way back in 1997, when he entered the cell and cost Taker against Shawn Michaels. We all know how well that angle played out, ultimately leading to a big match at WrestleMania 14. The Strowman creative could have the same sort of success. The whole thing should be done with Strowman in the black sheep mask, just to give it that extra bit of visual intensity.
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