10 WrestleMania 33 Matches Fans Want (But Won’t Get)
9. American Alpha Vs. The Revival

American Alpha may currently be the Smackdown Tag Team Champions, but they still haven't been booked with the same level of care that they received in NXT. Back in development, fans saw the organic path that led the team to being born, and knew about the past career losses that made their tag title win such a major event. In WWE, they're just really good wrestlers who read really bad scripts.
In the time that they've been together, their best opponents have been The Revival. Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder may seem relatively bland, but they're great workers who make an incredible team. Against the flashier and more likable American Alpha, there was magic in the ring.
Bringing The Revival up and having them feud with American Alpha could show fans what all the fuss over both teams is all about, but don't expect it at WrestleMania. The Tag Team Championships traditionally get screwed over at WrestleMania, with only two main show title matches in the past ten years.