10 WrestleMania Main Events (That Happened Before WrestleMania)

2. Macho Man Randy Savage Vs Hulk Hogan

WrestleMania 5 was where The Mega Powers exploded! Macho Man Randy Savage, the reigning WWE Champion since WrestleMania 4, had turned heel on his former friend, Hulk Hogan, because of Hogan€™s €œlust€ for Elizabeth as well as the feeling of him being overshadowed by Hogan, even though he was the champion. After a back and forth contest that still holds up today, Hulk was able to put away Savage after kicking out of his Flying Elbow drop. WWE marketed this in typical 80€™s fashion. Strong promo work, and edited video that pushed the agenda of Savage betraying Hogan. However, none of that ever mentioned the previous matches between the two. Although it was 1989 at the time, Savage and Hogan had wrestled at WWE events as early as 1985 in Madison Square Garden, and the Boston Garden in 1986. The matches were major house draws in that era, and included clean Hogan victories, and countout wins by Savage. Furthermore, we can assume things went well as this became one of Wrestling€™s greatest long running rivalries.

Rich Latta II is a lifelong wrestling fan. He also writes for PWMania.com & SocialSuplex.Com....find all his links at RichLattaWrestling.com Reddit name RichLatta32 He thinks of wrestling as the 3rd Major Sport, Follow him on twitter @RichLatta32 He Runs a Podcast called @OneNationRadio (follow that too) with his buddy James Boyd, that covers WWE, Music, Sports, and Pop Culture. http://onenationradio.podbean.com/ Or Type One Nation Radio into the Podbean App Comment the articles & Tweet Him Now!! Rich also is an aspiring hip hop artist and proud member of the #WrassleRap Community & Music Producer