10 Wrestlers Absolutely NOBODY Expected To Lose

8. Roman Reigns (Vs. Brock Lesnar, WrestleMania 34)

Brodie Lee Cody Rhodes
WWE Network

As WrestleMania 34 edged closer, the chances of Brock Lesnar sticking around in the aftermath felt somewhat slim.

It had been heavily rumoured at the time that The Beast was very much on his way back to the Octagon once he'd finished up his WWE duties at that year's Show of Shows. So, the majority of fans assumed Roman Reigns was nailed-on to walk out of New Orleans with a bright red strap dangling over his shoulder.

Some even felt that Paul Heyman would have a major part to play in the former UFC Heavyweight Champion's downfall, setting up a new alliance between Paul E and The Big Dog. Imagine that.

But then the anything but predictable night of April 8, 2018 happened, and not only did Lesnar conquer his long-time rival... he bloody battered him.

Leaving Reigns in a pool of his own red fluid, Brock's reign of terror shockingly continued in a vicious attempt to get folks to feel some sympathy for the brutalised future Tribal Chief. All it did was delay the unwanted inevitable, though, and briefly wake up a crowd who'd otherwise turned their attention to beach balls.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...