10 Wrestlers More Suitable To Main Event WrestleMania 32 Than Roman Reigns

7. The Rock

There€™s been rumblings for the last year or so of The Rock going up against Triple H one last time at WrestleMania 32. Unfortunately, reports suggest that The Great One isn€™t able to get insured for any grappling action due to his movie commitments on the upcoming Baywatch feature. If these reports are to be believed, then a match for The Rock at this year€™s €˜Mania is completely off the table. If, though, these reports are false or a little exaggerated, then that opens up a whole range of possibilities. When it comes down to it, The Rock is a huge draw in the wrestling world and beyond. If there€™s any chance at all, no matter how slim, of putting him into the WrestleMania main event in place of Roman Reigns, it€™s a no-brainer in terms of bringing eyes to WWE€™s most prestigious event. More eyes mean more dollars, and we all know how Vinny Mac loves that ever-important dollar dollar.
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Senior Writer

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