10 Wrestlers More Suitable To Main Event WrestleMania 32 Than Roman Reigns

4. Kevin Owens

Whilst Seth Rollins is sadly out of action for the foreseeable future, Kevin Owens is fighting fit and destined for greatness. Since debuting on the main roster last year, the former NXT and Intercontinental Champion has caught the eye of many a wrestling fan. No longer can the one-time Kevin Steen be merely classed as an €œinternet darling€, for KO has arrived in the big time, regularly stealing the show and showing why he really is one of the greatest professional wrestlers in the world today. Even though he€™s the best true heel in the WWE right now, Owens still has a growing fanbase who love nothing more than to cheer on this brutal ass-kicker. If handled correctly, Kevin Owens could easily become a no-nonsense babyface in the mould of a Steve Austin, kicking ass and taking names as he goes up against €˜the machine€™. Sure, it may be a little soon to pull that particular trigger on Owens right now, but how great would it be to see one of Triple H€™s most notable NXT boys be the one to step up and dethrone him at WrestleMania? Infinitely greater than seeing Roman Reigns doing that job, that€™s for sure.
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Senior Writer

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