10 Wrestlers Plagued By Their On-Screen Self

5. Perry Saturn

Sasha Banks

As a member of The Radicalz, Perry Saturn arrived in WWE during the Attitude Era boom.

The stable debuted with fanfare and immediately feuded with some of their new company’s most popular stars. While Saturn captured the European and Hardcore Championships, he was often seen as the low man on the totem pole. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit went on to huge success and Dean Malenko is acclaimed for his in-ring technical ability (even if WWE booked him poorly).

Saturn had a good look and was more than capable in the ring. Yet he will forever be remembered for one thing; he was the guy who fell in love with a mop. The inventively-named Moppy had a permanently pained expression, who eventually met a grisly end via woodchipper, left Perry cursed.

It is commonly reported that the gimmick was punishment for Saturn legitimately attacking jobber Mike Bell during a Velocity taping. Though, Saturn himself disputes this, saying it was a genuine gimmick, not a rib.

Saturn had a brief moment of pleasure from the gimmick that would plague him. He and Moppy once had a one-night stand with a fan – both practised safe sex to prevent pregnancy and splinters.

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Sasha Banks
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.