10 Wrestlers That Pissed Off The Fans
7. Ronda Rousey
Ronda Rousey also broke "kayfabe" in early 2019 in a presumed bid to salvage her completely ruined build with Becky Lynch (and Charlotte Flair) ahead of WrestleMania 35.
The canonical storyline was a destructive, unwanted mess; Charlotte Flair's presence was so oppressive that she couldn't even generate go-away heat, The Man character was ruined because she was forced to meekly apologise to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, and Ronda was booked as somebody who could barely feign interest in whatever the f*ck it was she had to do week-on-week.
Ronda pulled at that thread on her various social media accounts in order to do what every wrestler should do (albeit in a vaguely postmodern way): make the audience feel like she truly despised her opponent. In a March 2019 vlog, she referred to the Disarm Her as "fake," routinely called Lynch by her real name, and threatened to "beat the f*ck out of her" on RAW.
This pissed a lot of people off - every single last one of whom was born after wrestling was ever considered real. Suspension of disbelief is fluid and subjective. Ronda however was well-positioned to operate in this mode as a "real" fighter.
Making Lynch apologise to the McMahons was far more damaging to the storyline than extraneous vlog content. How many times have you heard a wrestler talk about some prearranged spots they worked on a podcast?
How many times have you heard a woman say it?