10 Wrestlers That Rocked Multiple Gimmicks At Once

1. Mick Foley

Mick Foley Four Faces

Unlike pretty much everyone else on this list, Mick Foley didn't stop at playing multiple characters during the same run. Nah, 'Mrs Foley's Baby Boy' fancied trying his hand at showing he could pull such wizardry off in the same show. At 1998's Royal Rumble, Foley entered the match as Cactus Jack, Mankind and Dude Love.

What a trooper.

In 2000, Mick could add a fourth face to the famed 'Three Faces Of Foley' gang: himself. Nobody else can crow about being in World Title matches as four different characters. That brag belongs to Mick, and Mick alone. He is without doubt the prime example of someone who successfully rocked more than one gimmick during the same stint.

Every single one, from Mankind's deranged madness and Cactus Jack's violence to Dude's dorky coolness and Foley's likeable everyman, had something unique to offer. Either Mick had dissociative identity disorder or he perfected the art of pretending.

Let's lean on the latter and give him acclaim for four vibrant personalities.

What other wrestlers rocked multiple gimmicks during the same run? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


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