10 Wrestlers Triple H Will Make Champion
Business just picked up for the "Triple H guys" in WWE.

For a long time, the archetype for a champion within WWE was very easy to describe and it was rare that someone who grabbed the top prizes in the company didn’t fit this well-worn mould. Vince McMahon, the final say on creative, got to decide who represented his company and who were simply props and bit-part players for his favourite action figures to kick over repeatedly.
Now that Triple H has taken the reigns however, we have seen immediate changes to the presentation of several characters and thus their chances to rise to the top of their respective divisions. With years of booking NXT under his belt, Paul Levesque has cultivated his own set of "Triple H guys" and it’s pretty clear the tides are changing for them. Many of whom might have a more promising future, one that features championship gold.
Whether it’s the world title, a midcard belt or even a tag title reign, the WWE superstars on this list may well be in with a better chance of etching their names into history now that the landscape has changed.
10. Ciampa

When Triple H took the creative helm he did the right thing by not yanking the steering wheel of WWE into a completely different direction immediately. It would’ve been too much of a “baby with the bathwater” situation but at the very least Trips knew which chess pieces to move first. It’s not surprising, and it speaks volumes, that one of the first guys to get highlighted in the week following the changing of hats was Ciampa.
The former NXT Champion debuted on the main roster with almost zero aplomb and bumbled around until aligning himself, unexpectedly, with The Miz. Whilst he’s done his best to make it work, Ciampa was merely an additional body in Miz and Logan Paul feud and his sudden ascension to United States Championship contender in Triple H’s promotion spoke volumes.
He may have been unsuccessful on his first attempt but letting Ciampa deliver killer promos and put away AJ Styles in the main event of Raw elevates both him and the importance of the midcard title at the same time. Suddenly, the Blackheart feels a lot more like a legitimate contender.
Ciampa is a name synonymous with Triple H’s era of NXT, with very few on the same level, so it would be no surprise to see the trajectory to a title lined out before him moving forwards.