10 Wrestlers Triple H Will Sign For WWE

5. Killer Kross & Scarlett

Karrion Kross Scarlett

Another act Triple H evidently felt was guaranteed money from the second he convinced them to put pen to black and gold paper, Karrion Kross and Scarlett finally felt like the sort of Sports Entertainment made for main roster combination that Vince McMahon simply could not c*ck up.

But even tailor-made weapons of destruction with more spooky theatrics than a Fiendish night at the Funhouse weren't safe in Vinnie Mac's playground and the once-unbeatable NXT Champion and his missus were soon dumped out of the company a few short months after the former's Monday night arrival.

Like many of the names unceremoniously cut from WWE in recent times, the current CYN worker has gone on record to note how much respect he still holds for Levesque, though, telling CBS Sports, "He inspired people to be better versions of themselves at work."

And with The King of Kings dedicating a sizeable chunk of NXT TV time to building Kross and Scarlett as a near-indomitable force to be reckoned with, should Trips feel his upper-mid card/main event scene is in need of a refresh, bringing Doomsday back - minus ridiculous spartan cosplay, of course - may be at the very top of his list.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...