10 Wrestlers Triple H's WWE Has Totally FUMBLED

9. Andrade

Elias Ezekiel

Andrade's first few months back inside of a WWE ring have been... a bit forgettable, haven't they?

While his actual performances in-between the ropes are typically a fun and hard-hitting time - that back elbow will never not be BRUTAL to watch - the character itself hasn't really been moving in an interesting direction since hopping back over from AEW.

His Royal Rumble return was a nice moment, but after agreeing to sign with the red brand, WWE just dumped him into a few nothing matches against Apollo Crews and Giovanni Vinci before squeezing him into the ongoing LWO/Legado del Fantasma drama as a way of getting the star onto the 'Mania 40 card.

The closest thing to a storyline Trips has given his returning former NXT Champion has consisted of numerous teams trying to recruit him to their faction. How riveting. And his recent, not exactly captivating, interactions with Legado on SmackDown also just feel like WWE once again choosing to lazily throw all their Latino wrestlers into another feud together.

There's still time to turn it around and salvage these early fumbles before it's too late, but a lack of an intriguing plan for Andrade so far has left his WWE comeback largely feeling like a bit of a flop.

In this post: 
Triple H
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...