10 Wrestlers Triple H's WWE Has Totally FUMBLED

7. Elias/Ezekiel

Elias Ezekiel

Triple H just clearly doesn't like fun, does he?

One of the most unlikely of success stories to fall out of 2022 was that of Elias' younger brother - a freshly-shaved babyface who went on to become a genuinely hot act for a spell.

Bouncing off of an increasingly exasperated Kevin Owens, an oblivious Ezekiel doing all he could to convince the world he wasn't the guitar-strumming drifter and lighting up arenas with his fiery comebacks between the ropes was as dumb as it was glorious. But not long after taking over creative duties, Trips' decided he didn't want to hear "Zeke speak" and soon had him written off TV via Owens apron powerbomb.

The terrific photoshopped shot of the entire Elias clan sitting around an injured Zeke's hospital bed was the last we'd see of the unexpected icon. In the months that followed, 'The Game' called back the bearded guitarist gimmick that had already run out of steam, and the star ultimately did a grand total of nothing before being released in September 2023.

What a monumental waste of that rarest of things - a midcard comedy character in WWE that's actually funny.

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Triple H
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...