10 Wrestlers Who Are ACTUALLY Safe In WWE
4. Edge
John Cena has returned to the welcoming bosom of Hollywood, Triple H must be some way off an in ring return if indeed it ever happens, The Undertaker retired, Kane is busy in local government and Goldberg is an increasingly divisive figure.
Those legends nights on Raw are beginning to look a little threadbare, not to mention the cards for those lucrative Saudi shows that tend to rely on a broken down old warhorse or two.
Then there’s Edge, that rarest of things, an actual living legend who can still go in the ring. Oh there’s Jeff Hardy of course but he barely counts. Not since WWE started booking him like a glorified jobber, saddled with the ignominy of joining the chasing pack for the 24/7 title. Meanwhile Rey Mysterio seems happy enough to putter about in the midcard with his kid.
Through his seven years away, return from career ending injury and part time schedule Edge actually still feels special. How many of WWE’s current crop can you say that about? Also, you just know AEW would be there ready and waiting if WWE ever let him go.