10 Wrestlers Who Broke Dave Meltzer's Rating System In 2017

6. Zack Sabre Jr.

Dave Meltzer
WCPW - Oli Sandler

Much like his spiritual predecessor Daniel Bryan, Zack Sabre Jr. has long been regarded as the best technical wrestler in the world, winning the Danielson award three years in a row (whilst remaining on pace to win his fourth straight). Still, fans of the current Defiant Internet Champion had to wait for his 5 star match. At PWG's All-Star Weekend, he and WALTER both earned their first.

Sabre made many strides around the world this year. Along with his continued PWG title reign (which ended in July) and his Defiant Internet Championship, the technical wizard made a splash in New Japan, allying with Minoru Suzuki and getting impressive victories in the G1 tournament.

However, it was in PWG, the place he ran for over a year as champion, that he achieved 5 star glory. Against the German rising star, ZSJ showed he was more than mat grappling, delivering an exciting "big man vs. little man" match that made both look like stars. Between the collected work of Zack and Will Ospreay, it's crystal clear why British independent wrestling is experiencing its current boom.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.