10 Wrestlers Who Broke Dave Meltzer's Rating System In 2017

4. Donovan Dijak

Dave Meltzer

Question: who in WWE right now has more 5-star matches than Daniel Bryan? Answer: Samoa Joe, John Cena, and now, Donovan Dijak. The recent NXT signee has made a name for himself in the last couple of years. Standing at 6 foot 7 and weighing 270 pounds, Dijak's strength and freakish athleticism aided him in earning his first 5 star rating at PWG Battle of Los Angeles in a losing effort against Keith Lee.

In what is arguably the best hoss match of the decade (no, really), Lee and Dijak forewent simple big man moves in favor of acrobatics that made the two giants look like cruiswerweights. The Reseda crowd, of course, ate it up, as Lee and Dijak traded nearfall after nearfall in a dizzying succession of finishing moves.

Keep in mind that Dijak is only 30 years old. With his physical presence, athleticism, and natural charisma, don't expect him in NXT for long. As soon as Vince McMahon catches wind of this freak of nature, he's sure to be snatched up onto the main roster, and his calling up will be a welcome change of pace.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.