10 Wrestlers Who Changed Their Finisher When They Got Old
3. Mick Foley

Mick Foley spent most of his career giving his body to every and any cause pro wrestling requested, so he was owed this concession in his final days.
There was very little he didn't literally throw himself into during his prime years, but his famous flying elbow to the floor was one of the most painful-looking. Realising that he wasn't going to be about getting much air, Foley ensured the impact felt true. In the interest of protecting his opponent, he'd gladly splat his own side against the arena floor just to establish the effect.
Eventually - and long past the point his opponents could possibly resent it - enough was enough. Rather than absorb the worst of it himself, he simply let the victim take a little more of it. Laying the elbow in allowed him to lay across his foes a little more, at long last preserving his aching bones rather than punishing them a little more.