10 Wrestlers Who Claimed To Be Social Media Hacking Victims

7. Eve Torres Gets Super-Hacked!

One of the most beautiful women to ever grace WWE screens, Eve Torres worked her way from backstage interviewer to WWE Divas Champion, before becoming the assistant to then-Raw GM, John Laurinaitis. Her confusing turn on Zack Ryder, in storyline, made Ryder look like an idiot, and definitely derailed a lot of the momentum he'd worked hard to build. Not long after turning heel, Torres asked for her release, and it was clear she'd done all she could do in WWE. Unfortunately, in 2012, Torres was the victim of some serious hacking, all coming at the same time. Not only was her Twitter page violated, but her official Facebook fan group and website, evetorres.net was also broken into, marking one of the first times when any pro wrestler has been hacked across the board. Taking the decision to shut her website and accounts down temporarily, Eve relaunched them all at a later date, but must have been wondering what in the heck happened to make people target her entire web presence in one fell swoop. Situations like this are a reminder that it's not only social media which can get hacked, but official websites too.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.