10 Wrestlers Who Crowned Themselves King

6. Owen Hart - King Of Harts

A story of a little brother trying to outdo his big brother. How great was the Owen vs. Bret feud back in the day? Owen stood by Bret's side during The Hitman's feud with Jerry 'The King' Lawler, which started after Bret's second King of the Ring win at the first KOTR pay per view in 1993. Jerry, naturally, claimed that he was the only king in WWE, and Bret disagreed. The seeds for this sibling rivalry were sewn at Survivor Series 1993, when a collision between Bret and Owen cost the younger Hart his place in a multiple man tag match. This prompted Owen to turn heel and start dressing like his brother - although, they did have a shot at the tag team championships after this where The Rocket confirmed his heel status by attacking an injured Bret. Owen would enter the 1994 King of the Ring tournament with the sole aim of trumping his brother's achievements. He did so, beating Razor Ramon in the final and proclaiming himself the King of Harts.
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.