10 Wrestlers Who Crowned Themselves King

4. Daniel Bryan - King Of The Indies

Have you ever wondered how Ring Of Honor was born? It's off the back of the King of the Indies tournament from 2001. Promoters though that they could build a promotion off the back of this pure bell to bell wrestling schtick, so formed a new brand. All Pro Wrestling held the 2nd "King of the Indies" tournament, which showcased premiere independent wrestlers from across the United States including the likes of AJ Styles, Doug Williams, Brian Kendrick, Christopher Daniels, Low Ki, Kazarian, Samoa Joe, and Bryan Danielson. The then American Dragon defeated Low Ki in the final, crowning himself King of the Indies - a tag that stuck with him till his WWE debut in 2010.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.