10 Wrestlers Who Desperately Need New Finishers

1. Elias

Elias Seth Rollins

Current Finisher: Drift Away. Think Cody Rhodes' Cross Rhodes, or Perry Saturn's (bizarrely named) Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gradunza.

Why It Needs Changed: Countless wrestlers over the years have used the spinning finisher Elias does today, and with good reason. There was a time when the move (one Raw's resident singer has renamed the Drift Away) seemed interesting. Those days, unfortunately for Elias, are long gone.

In fairness to him, Elias can use it on everyone he faces, and he does perform the move with the right mix of precision and speed. Even so, it's a rather dull choice at this point; again, the Drift Away is the kind of finish 2K would tag onto your CAW in the latest video game before players scoff and change it something better.

Elias has genuine promise to be a breakout star, possibly as a babyface. If he's going to succeed though, he has to find that one move people associate with him, not a finisher that all and sundry have used for well over a generation.

Also, it should be renamed 'Walk With Elias', rather than referencing his old Drifter guise.

Which other wrestlers do you think need new finishers? Do you agree with the ones listed here? Let us know down in the comments section below!


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