10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On WWE PPV Posters

2. Roman Reigns – Stomping Grounds (2019)

Roman Reigns Stomping Grounds

This is on the list for the absurdity of the missed opportunity WWE had with this poster. In a WWE pay-per-view that was titled Stomping Grounds and headlined by Seth Rollins in a WWE Universal Championship match who has the devastating finisher Curb Stomp which involves stomping an opponent’s head to the ground (which he delivered to get the win and retain over Baron Corbin that night) you would have thought Seth was a no brainer for WWE’s marketing team to be on the front of the poster... No. This shockingly didn’t happen. Instead Seth’s old Shield teammate Roman Reigns was at the centre of the image promoting the show with his fist to the ground.

After this event WWE got rid of the Stomping Grounds name/show so any chance of seeing Seth on a Stomping Grounds poster in the future has expired. No wonder WWE got flack for pushing Roman down fans’ throats given Seth belonged on this poster staring down the camera and delivering a Curb Stomp with the ‘Stomping Grounds’ logo on the sole of his boot. Seth was robbed!

When WWE officials approved this image, someone in the office should have done an immediate run-in and swapped Roman for Seth, just like Seth did on Roman at WrestleMania 31 when he cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase and took his glory.

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Triple H
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