10 Wrestlers Who Do The Same Spot EVERY TIME They Wrestle Each Other
3. The Referee/Diva Rollover Spot

Thankfully not a spot that even exists in wrestling anymore due to the welcome death of the genre that birthed it, the set piece calling for women so engaged in a catfight that they wrap the referee in a human hot dog was regular filler material for obvious filler matches.
There's so much to hate about all of this on rewatch, including the typical reveal shot of a bewildered referee absolutely thrilled with his lot in life. Make no mistake what these moments were according to the rich old men that agented them - the two objects being objectified had just given a free pass to an Earl Hebner or Jack Doan to become part of their facade, all so Jerry Lawler can make a joke about saying he wished he was a ref instead.
It wasn't even just singles matches where the man in the middle would find himself rather literally included in the action - virtually every daft gimmick contest featured a referee in an effort to keep up the wafer-thin premise that the match had a point. Sure enough, they'd be subjected to the same sort of inane silliness as the trained women