10 Wrestlers Who F***ing Doubled Down On Your Hate

9. John Cena

Happy Corbin

Acting as arguably the most "divisive" star ever to lace up a pair of boots - or sneakers in this case - John Cena's rise from Boston Red Sox underdog to New York Yankees Face That Runs the Place made for one of the most intriguing developments of the last two decades.

After initially stumbling on the back of a debut fuelled by "Ruthless Aggression!", Cena eventually found his footing in the snap-back and jerseys of a certain Doctor of Thuganomics. And despite being framed as an evident heel out of the lyrical gates, fans simply could not resist getting behind the cocky rapper and main event superstardom felt inevitable.

Far from opting to fluidly adapt to the sound being sent his way upon reaching the top of the mountain, though, WWE clearly felt there was infinitely more value in Super Cena frequently overcoming the odds, regardless of the ever-growing friction being felt in the older corners of the audience. So, Cena continued to divide and even defiantly refused to "Embraced the Hate" whilst locking horns with The Big Red Mayor of Knox County back in 2012.

And outside of the odd nWo wink in a certain Firefly Funhouse, Cena and WWE simply would not bow to the demands of those who wanted to see him turn his back on those Fruity Pebbles.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...