10 Wrestlers Who Gave Advice We Could Clearly Hear

7. Big Show

Brock Lesnar Braun Strowman Kane

WWE recycled some familiar spots at the 2021 Royal Rumble. One of them was a gang beatdown on Bobby Lashley that stopped the physically dominant heel from running right over the top of everyone in the ring; that's something fans have witnessed time and time again in Rumbles.

In 2004, it was Big Show's turn, and he wasn't in any mood to blindly thump his way through the group of stars working his elimination. So, Show called out what was going to happen next from the mat. This odd moment was highlighted by the giant loudly yelling, "Cena first, then RVD".

He was lining up who was going over the top rope first.

When the big man fought back to his feet, he tossed John Cena out as planned. Then, Show dumped Van Dam to the floor exactly like he'd said. It was damn strange to hear him call this sequence from his back before executing.

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Brock Lesnar
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