10 Wrestlers Who Got Jacked In Lockdown

2. Big Cass

Pete Dunne DATES
WWE.com/Twitter, @real1

You may not be able to teach being seven foot tall, but you can certainly learn how to add on some shredded beef!

Since infamously parting ways with WWE in 2018, Big Cass has struggled to deliver on the potential he once showed alongside his tag partner Enzo Amore, publicly battling against depression and anxiety, whilst also attracting controversy with his questionable backstage antics.

But if his recent appearance at a Lariato Pro Wrestling show was anything to go by, the now-CaZXL seems to have been putting in the work to get in proper wrasslin' shape during his time in lockdown. Without a shadow of a doubt looking every bit the seven-foot piece of solid granite he always had the makings of, Cass marked his 2021 comeback with a big boot that left opponent August Artois with a busted lip for his troubles.

Hopefully Cass' commitment to looking the chiselled part translates into him being in a better headspace altogether too, as a focused and driven 34 year-old beast could still make a sizeable mark on the industry over the next few years.

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Pete Dunne
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...