10 Wrestlers Who Had No Idea What Was Coming Next

These wrestling personalities were anything but prepared for what was heading their way.

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By this point, it's probably not escaped your attention that professional wrestling is a largely predetermined form of entertainment. And water is actually quite wet. But that doesn't mean that absolutely everyone involved in a jaw-dropping or wholly unexpected occurrence between the ropes, or watching on backstage, is fully clued up on precisely what is about to unfold inside of the squared-circle.

Far from it, in fact.

Over the years, a number of booking curveballs have been thrown at various performers in an effort to inspire a seriously stunned response for fans to indulge in on the night. And then there are those moments that caught just about every wrassler and his dog off-guard either due to being a completely out of left field happening or just the result of some truly combustable elements being present.

In short, as you likely already know at this point, you genuinely never know what's about to tumble onto your screens when it comes to the world of pro wrestling. From debuts legitimately shrouded in mystery, to violent finishes blurring the lines a little too much for some, these particular workers had no clue what was heading their way.

10. Dean Ambrose And Roman Reigns - An Unforeseen Mystery Partner

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We could've probably filled this list with the unplanned emergence of overzealous crowd-members threatening to derail a night's previously planned series of events. But for the sake of trying to add some variety into your lives, we'll just stick to the hilarious arrival of Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose's surprise mystery partner back at Night of Champions in 2015.

Now, your writer is by no means condoning the action of jumping the rail and getting up close and personal with your favourite wrestler - it shouldn't take a genius to figure out just how dumb an idea that is - but the sight of a vest and MMA glove-boasting civilian suddenly lining up alongside the two former Shield members was something else. One of the duo's opponents Bray Wyatt couldn't even resist a dig at the absurdity of this unexpected intervention, retorting, "is that your guy?" as the rogue fan was tackled out of the ring.

Reigns and Ambrose would ultimately be joined by Chris Jericho before the match eventually got underway, but for a moment the two shared a genuinely baffled look as their night took a rather unanticipated turn.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...