10 Wrestlers Who Had No Idea What Was Coming Next

7. Xavier Woods - KofiMania Running Wild

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Not every unexpected moment hits a wrestler in the face against their will. Sometimes a star goes out of their way to bury their head in the sand because of something as simple as not wanting to be disappointed should plans, as they are wont to do, change.

Coming into the biggest encounter in The New Day's storied WWE existence, Xavier Woods knew very well that the concept of Kofi Kingston becoming the first-ever African-born WWE Champion at WrestleMania 35 was one that he couldn't bare to lose should the decision to pull the trigger on his run be changed on the fly. So, the UpUpDownDown man told those in the know to keep him out of it when it came time to reveal who was walking out of MetLife Stadium with the WWE Championship.

This makes the sight of Woods and Big E rushing to their pal in the wake of him achieving this heart-warming feat that little bit more special in hindsight, knowing that Woods was very much experiencing this joy in real-time and drinking in the incredible result like everyone else in attendance.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...