10 Wrestlers Who Had Their Gimmicks Stolen

9. Max Moon

Konnan is a wrestler who went on to achieve fame and success in WCW. There he helped to usher in the era of the cruiserweights -- as he was responsible for the signing of many luchadors. He also became well known as a member of the New World Order and the Wolfpac. However, in late 1992, Konnan was given an opportunity in the WWF. The Mexican superstar was signed by the company and was subsequently given an elaborate character. Konnan was to be known as Max Moon, a cyborg from outer space. Moon wore a bright blue outfit and mask with attached foam tubing, as well as a jet pack and pyro-shooting gauntlets when making his entrance. After only three appearances on television, the end seemed near for Max Moon. Konnan left the company, as he simply stopped showing up to WWF events because of his growing popularity in Mexico. The Federation reportedly spent a great deal of money on the cyborg€™s elaborate outfit and entrance attire. As such, it was decided to simply hand the gimmick off to someone else. Paul Diamond, who luckily fit in the suit, was given the Max Moon character.
Diamond was a veteran in the ring, best known as part of the Badd Company duo, as well as the masked member of the Orient Express. Max Moon had made his debut in the WWF in September of €˜92, however, by early 1992, the character would vanish forever. Diamond donned the blue suit for just a handful of months before being released from his contract. Luckily, no one else was given the Moon gimmick following Diamond€™s departure.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.