10 Wrestlers Who Learned Important Lessons The Hard Way

1. Bret Hart Learns D.T.A. in Montreal

The Undertaker Randy Orton

D.T.A. - Don't Trust Anybody. The mantra belonged to Steve Austin, but it would have served Bret well when the WWE stabbed him in the back in Montreal.

Looking back, it seems incredibly naive to think Vince McMahon wouldn't screw Bret. After the Alundra Blayze fiasco Vince was terrified of the thought of another of his champions disrespecting their belt on WCW television and was desperate to get the belt off the departing Hart. It's extremely unlikely that someone who respected the business as much as Bret Hart does would ever have done such a thing, but McMahon wasn't willing to take that chance.

If Vince plunged the first dagger into Bret's back, the second was delivered by referee Earl Hebner. Bret revealed on Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions that a teary-eyed Earl had sworn up and down that he wouldn't screw Bret, before going on to do exactly that. To be fair, Hebner was in an impossible position and Bret has since buried the hatchet with him.

As for Shawn Michaels, you could argue he at least stabbed Bret in the front. Michaels flat out told Bret to his face that he would never put the Hitman over, which is what led to Hart's refusal to drop the belt to him in the first place. Bret had to at least suspect Michaels would try something screwy after that little comment.

After thirteen years of loyal service to WWE, there's no doubt Bret deserved a more dignified exit than the one McMahon and his cabal forced upon him. Et tu, Vince?

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