10 Wrestlers Who Learned Important Lessons The Hard Way

7. Mick Foley Learns Jobbers Are Cannon Fodder

Of course, just because a jobber does do their job doesn't mean they're guaranteed to walk away scot-free.

In Mick Foley's seminal biography 'Have a Nice Day', the legendary grappler describes a tag match against the British Bulldogs in which his body took the first of the many, many knocks it would sustain in his brutal career. The Bulldogs absolutely destroy the young Cactus Jack. Foley mentions in his book that the diving headbutt Dynamite Kid hit him with was so painful it made him cross-eyed, and the brutal clothesline towards the end of the massacre (it certainly wasn't a "match") actually dislocated his jaw.

There's no doubt that the Bulldogs (Dynamite in particular) went too far in their treatment of the hapless Foley. However, Mick took his beating like a champ and even shook the Bulldogs hands in the locker room afterwards to thank them for the match! Happily, karma rewarded Mick for being a good soldier by making him the only member of the match to hold the WWE Championship.

Every wrestler starts on the bottom rung. It's how you deal with it that determines whether you become a Mike Blackwell or a Mick Foley.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.