10 Wrestlers Who Learned Important Lessons The Hard Way

4. Public Enemy Learns To Not Piss Off the APA

"Four minutes of schadenfreude" sums this one up. Watching Simmons and Bradshaw rough up their opponents as the beer-swilling, hard-hitting APA was one of our personal highlights of the Attitude era, and watching them go to town on The Public Enemy still gives us a guilty thrill.

The Public Enemy (a team consisting of the late Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) were a tag team who covered their lack of in-ring ability through liberal use of hardcore brawling. Through the creative genius of Paul Heyman they got over huge in ECW, but in WWE their lack of traditional wrestling skills were painfully exposed. This gave them significant heat backstage, but the deluded duo still felt they had enough clout to change the finish to their match with the APA on the fly. This proved... unwise.

Just before the match began, TPE told Simmons and Bradshaw they wanted to go off script and veto the planned ending to the match, where APA would put the duo through a table. APA's response? "Well, f**k, we'll just bring the tables to them!" What followed was essentially a public execution as The Public Enemy were hammered with chairs, the ring steps and, in one memorable spot, the broken pieces of the table APA had "brought to them".

Rocco and Grunge's WWE career was effectively over after this, as the duo were gone from the company a month later. In the words of one half of the APA: "DAMN!"


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.