10 Wrestlers Who Made Drastic Late Career Changes

7. Kane

Kane Change

Let's try and sum up Kane's career.

A one-time Diesel impersonator who also worked as an evil dentist, the chargrilled psychopathic brother of The Undertaker also had a penchant for necrophilia, drink-driving, hugging it out with unlikely tag partners, electrocuting testicles, forcibly impregnating women and acting in B-level horror movies.

If agreeing to do all that doesn't make someone a loyal employee, then nothing would. Perhaps that's why Kane was handed a suit in 2013 and changed his character from chaotic to Corporate. Not many performers could get away with all this erratically booked nonsense, but Kane did his Director Of Operations duties for The Authority with a smile.

16 years following his debut at In Your House: Badd Blood to confront his storyline brother, Kane looked like he was ready to stand by the water cooler waiting for print outs and discuss the latest political news with co-workers.

Big Red (Corporate) Machine.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.