10 Wrestlers Who Most Defined A Generation

8. Buddy Rogers - The WWWF Era

Buddy Rogers may not necessarily have defined an entire era in the way that others on this list have, but he was essentially the catalyst for one of the most significant events in pro wrestling history. Different variants of the story exist, but the most common interpretation suggests that the NWA had wanted to put their title on Thesz rather than Rogers. Toots Mondt and Vince McMahon Sr. (owners of Capitol Wrestling Corporation) weren€™t happy with this decision, as they deemed Rogers a bigger draw at the time. In protest, they withdrew their membership from the NWA and established the World Wide Wrestling Federation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5ZZfWDUdyE This organisation would of course go on to become the World Wrestling Federation, and then the WWE€”the largest sports entertainment enterprise in all of history. Make no mistake though, this wasn€™t the only mark that Rogers made on the industry. He won a number of titles wherever he competed and his €œNature Boy€ gimmick also proved to be the inspiration for a certain 16-time world champion a few years down the line. But given that he played such a pivotal role in the genesis of the WWWF€”a company that would go on to change the face of the industry forever€”Rogers will forever have his name etched into history.
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