10 Wrestlers Who Most Defined A Generation

5. Bret Hart - The New Generation Era

The early 1990s were a difficult time for the WWE. Rampant allegations of steroid abuse created a public relations nightmare, and a number of top stars€”including Hogan himself€”jumped ship to WCW. In a bid to halt the downfall, the company looked to push its younger stars and usher in the New Generation era. Various names rose to fame during this period, including Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Yokozuna and the Undertaker. But none reached the heights of the Excellence of Execution, Bret €œthe Hitman€ Hart. Between 1992 and 1997, Hart won 5 WWE Championship for a cumulative 654 days€”the sixth highest total in company history€”as well as the 1994 Royal Rumble and the 1991 and 1993 King of the ring tournaments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpJddNlGjxc But it wasn€™t just internally that Hart€™s brilliance was recognised. PWI twice voted him as the top wrestler in the world and also awarded him three Match of the Year awards in just five years, while Dave Meltzer echoed these sentiments by giving two of his bouts the prestigious five star rating. And Hart's influence wasn't limited to the New Generation era alone. Though somewhat inadvertently, the Hitman played a pivotal role in the infamous Montreal Screwjob. That November evening went on to produce the Attitude Era€”perhaps the most successful period in company history.
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Bret Hart
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