10 Wrestlers Who Need One WWE Match (And Who They Should Face)

6. Daniel Bryan

Christian WWE

Unless we're misreading the signals, it's fair to say that we probably haven't seen the last of Daniel Bryan in the ring. Whether or not that's a WWE ring, of course, remains to be seen.

If we're totally honest - given that the company's medical experts have refused to clear the former WWE Heavyweight Champion to wrestle - that is looking pretty unlikely.

Should he return to ROH, or seek new fame in Japan, there are plenty of potential dream matches waiting for him - but in WWE there would be only one clash that would really make any sense: The Miz.

The pair had been teasing a potential match for months last year during appearances on Renee Young's awesome (and soon-to-be-cancelled) Talking Smack, and seeing them lock horns for real - indie technician versus reality star-turned-wrestler - is sure to capture the fans' imagination.

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