10 Wrestlers Who Never Let Kayfabe Die

6. The Wild Samoans

Ric Flair

Afa and Sika, the Wild Samoans, were another pair who built on their real-life heritage by going to further lengths to ensure they lived the gimmick outside of the ring.

One such detail they added to their shtick was an apparent inability to speak English—an inability they remained so dedicated to portraying that they were once arrested for their troubles.

According to Hulk Hogan’s autobiography, the Samoan duo were riding with the Hulkster when they were pulled over by a state trooper in New Jersey. Long story short, the trio were arrested after a gun that Hogan had recently purchased fell out of glove box when he’d gone to retrieve his registration documents.

Hogan pleaded with his Samoan buddies to help explain the situation, and that Hogan had purchased the gun via legal means. But of course, their character’s didn’t speak English, and so they both decided it would be better to keep quiet and spend a night behind bars than to risk breaking kayfabe.

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Ric Flair
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