10 Wrestlers Who Refused To Drop Titles

2. That Doesn't Work For The Hulkster Brother!

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When talking about wrestlers using their influence to get their way and change the outcomes to their favor, the list would be incomplete if Hulk Hogan wasn't a part of it.

Being the number one guy in all of pro wrestling during his prime, Hulk Hogan had certain perks that were unavailable to the other wrestlers. He had the numbers in his favor and had the whole world in his hands, which gave him the power and influence to bend the booking to his favor on multiple occasions and write his own story.

During his iconic 1474-day WWE Championship reign, wrestling apocrypha has it that Hulk Hogan refused to drop the title directly to Randy Savage. Instead, he offered to lose the title to Andre The Giant, who would go on to sell the title to Ted DiBiase, resulting in the title getting vacated. Randy Savage would then go on to defeat DiBiase at WrestleMania IV to win the title, and this was the only way Hogan would let Savage have the championship and had a condition that he get it back from the latter in the future.

He did the same thing again after his infamous WWE Championship victory at WrestleMania 9. Hogan refused to lose the title to Bret Hart as he considered the latter a Tag Team Specialist and didn't want to do the job for a lesser tag team guy. Instead, he dropped the title back to Yokozuna.

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A hardcore pro-wrestling fan since childhood, and loves to write about his passion. Nuff said.