10 Wrestlers Who Ruined Their Own Legacy

1. Chris Benoit

Shawn Michaels yellow arrow

There almost certainly isn’t a worse way to ruin your own legacy than this and I want to state now that that is not meant to be a light-hearted jab.

Chris Benoit’s mental health issues that lead to two murders and his own suicide absolutely rocked the sports world and the effects of it are still felt to this day. Unlike Hogan, able to come back from his horrible displays of bigotry, Benoit remains the wrestling name that is the furthest from ever being mentioned again. In the 15 years since the incident, WWE has done their best to ignore the contributions of Chris Benoit.

Not just cutting around him in video packages that look back on great moments but, whilst content that features him was on the original version of the WWE Network it would often be preceded by a vague discretion message. With Peacock editing controversies out of WWE programming on their service, you have to imagine Benoit’s name has come up in conversation.

Your own personal opinion of it may vary. Some can separate the art from the artist and appreciate Chris’ career highlights, culminating in a WWE Championship win at WrestleMania XX. Others however cannot bear to look back and celebrate a man who did what he did.

Whatever you personally think, the WWE will never acknowledge Chris Benoit and his ruined legacy ever again.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.