10 Wrestlers Who SECRETLY Elevated The Stars

9. Diesel

Rhyno Edge Christian Kurt Angle

The rise of Diesel is a tale as old as wrestling. Cocky heel hires gigantic bodyguard; bodyguard gets ideas above his station, eventually turns on his former pal, rises to the top of the heap. For Kevin Nash, his obvious upside finally paid off: from languishing as Vinny Vegas and Oz, he was at last where he belonged, the champ, in the main event.

Only, it didn’t quite work out that way. Through reasons linked more to a dip in wrestling’s popularity than to the performer, Diesel didn’t draw at all, and new plans were quickly drawn up. A handsome, competent giant failing to get over as a top star - no one saw this coming.

Well, one person did: Shawn Michaels, the real future of the business. From the moment the characters split, HBK sensed that he was the guy to take the company to the next level. He steals the show during their WrestleMania match (sandbagging his pal at the finish to ensure Diesel looks weak in victory) and quickly manoeuvred himself into the headline spot, culminating in a title win the following year.

In kayfabe, Diesel’s job was to protect Shawn Michaels. Through a combination of bad luck, bad timing, and HBK’s undeniable star power and politicking, he did all that and more in real life.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)