10 Wrestlers Who SECRETLY Elevated The Stars

6. Imperium

Rhyno Edge Christian Kurt Angle

On the one hand, Gunther could hardly be an easier wrestler to book. With his stature and skill, he’s a performer you can’t take your eyes off. Let him whack people around; the rest writes itself.

On the other, he’s not a superstar you want to risk overexposing. While Gunther is a versatile and generous performer, it’s important he looks strong, especially as his Intercontinental run becomes increasingly more impressive. That’s where the rest of Imperium come in.

It’s super simple stuff: chuck Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci into the mix, and all of a sudden Gunther can lose matches, so long as he doesn’t take the fall. This allows for incredibly fun bouts like the Extreme Rules Donnybrook, with the babyface Brawling Brutes going over and Gunther not looking the least bit weaker for it.

It’s important to note, though, that Kaiser and Vince are terrific wrestlers in their own right, making Gunther’s Ring General persona more than just a nickname.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)