4. Shag Thomas
wiki...It has to be said, who else in the entire a(n)nals (see what we did there?) of professional wrestling ever had a potential porno name as solid and forthright as that of Shag Thomas? It is just a GREAT name for the sex industry. In fact, its almost a shame to waste such a marvellous moniker on a professional wrestler. With a name like that, he should have been making dirty movies for years. As a sex film pseudonym, it neatly encapsulates who he is and what he does, all in one dubiously forceful package (yup, I cant believe I wrote the phrase dubiously forceful package just now either). If not sounding like a pornstar, then at the very least evoking an off-colour brand of Eastern European anal lube, Shag Thomas was actually a Corporal in the US Army during World War II and occupied a potentially life-threatening spot as a black heel in the 60s, (before turning face). In short, he may have had a funny name, but he was a tough dude with a funny name...