10 Wrestlers Who Transformed Their Careers By Leaving WWE

8. R-Truth

WWE/Impact Wrestling

R-Truth is a staple in Modern WWE, providing consistent comic relief with his 24/7 antics and stream-of-consciousness promos that even the most revered linguist couldn’t completely translate. However, Ron Killings’ 1999-2002 WWE run gave little indication of the current R-Truth.

Under the moniker K-Kwik, he teamed with a directionless Road Dogg. The team are best remembered for their Getting Rowdy entrance rap, the undeniable highlight of WWE: The Music, Vol. 5. In the wake of Road Dogg’s suspension, Killings floundered in the Hardcore division before his release.

In the early days of TNA, Killings debuted as a surprisingly effective heel. He soon defeated Ken Shamrock for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Killings recaptured the championship on a second occasion against AJ Styles, Raven, and Chris Harris.

Killings established himself as worthy of holding a top championship and having a never-ending supply of natural charisma. Upon his return in WWE, R-Truth thrived as a star, with the company ignoring his past association with them. Without Killings proving himself in TNA, fans would not have been blessed with R-Truth, Little Jimmy, or any of Killings’ show stealing exploits.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.