10 Wrestlers Who Went Through Hell To Win (And Lost Anyway)

6. Kurt Angle Wrestles With A Broken Freakin' Neck (WWE WrestleMania XIX)

Britt Baker

This Olympic gold medalist simply could not catch a break, could he?

A few years on from being legitimately driven skull-first through an announce desk before somehow staying conscious for the remainder of the WWE Championship contest, Kurt Angle once again found himself dealing with one hell of an issue during his eventual failed defence of that title at WrestleMania XIX.

And not for the last time in his career, a certain Beast Incarnate was heavily involved in both the incident that caused the serious injury and the frankly absurd events that followed them.

Angle infamously broke his neck at No Way Out 2003, just a few weeks before the Show of Shows, after a botched turnbuckle spot. But rather than sit out the biggest event of the year, the then-champ decided to fight through the agony and defend his strap against Brock Lesnar at 'Mania.

Despite not being able to curl so much as a 5lbs weight after suffering the frightening injury, though, Angle remarkably managed to get through the gruelling epic on the night. And still arguably played a part in the best match of the evening.

Lesnar on the other hand, despite coming out on top, very nearly joined the broken neck club during the main event bout, too, infamously landing on his noggin after attempting an outrageous shooting-star press.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...