10 Wrestlers Who Were Only World Champion Because Of The Brand Split

1. Eddie Guerrero

JBL title

As sad as it is to say, without the brand split we likely never would have seen Eddie Guerrero as the WWE Champion.

Eddie landing the Frog Splash on Brock Lesnar and then taking off into the crowd as the new WWE Champ is a moment that holds a special place in the heart of many a wrestling fan.

At the time that Eddie was WWE Champion, Chris Benoit became World Heavyweight Champion shortly after. If there was only one brand and one World Champion then you'd have to think that Benoit would've been the one to get the nod at this point, especially as he'd been involved in main event angles and PPV matches plenty of times previously.

In fact, if there was only one brand and World Champ back in 2004 then the chances are that the main title feud of the year would likely have revolved around Brock Lesnar and Triple H.

Eddie is an undoubted all-time great performer, but without the brand split we sadly would've never got to see Latino Heat reach the top of the mountain. 

And whilst Eddie wouldn't have been World Champion, you'd have to think that Rey Mysterio would still have been given the Big Gold in 2006 as WWE sadly made the most of Eddie' passing.

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